Window Perf Vinyl for Mama’s

Mama’s Hawaiian BBQ window perf vinyl install

Printed window perf vinyl graphics were installed for Mama’s Hawaiian BBQ for the owner. We would be installing window perf vinyl on the back window of the trucks to advertise Mama’s Hawaiian BBQ. One of the cool things about window perf vinyl is that you can see out of the window from inside the vehicle. It is one of the several ways you can use your vehicle to advertise your business.

Here is a picture of one of the two vehicles. This one we are putting window perf graphics on a Scion xB. We are aligning and centering the print onto the back window. Once it it aligned in the right place we peel away the backing and mount the graphic to the glass.

Vehicle wraps and graphics Tucson

After the window perf is attached to the glass we fine detail the graphic by trimming where necessary and by adding sealant tape to secure the edges. The window perf is now finished and we could get started on the second vehicle.

Window perf vinyl Installed vehicle graphics Tucson

Next we have the truck. The rear window of the truck will have the same graphic but resized to fit the smaller window of the truck.

Vehicle Wraps and Graphics Tucson

Here at this stage we clean the window so the window perf vinyl can stick to it. Dust can cause the graphic to lift and when that happens the graphic starts to peel away. By cleaning the windows the vinyl can stick to the glass without any dust to interfere with it. Once the vinyl is attached to the glass we have to do some detailing and sealing work. When that’s done a quality inspection is performed and then the install is fully completed.

Here is a picture of the 2nd graphics install when it was finished.

Mama's Hawaiian BBQ Truck Window Graphics