Wall art boards for Eegee’s

Innovative Signs prints and builds wall art boards for Eegee’s store interiors

Here is another wall art board project we have done for Eegee’s. This large set of wall art boards are like the others we have done for them. The wall art boards are PVC panels with their graphic files applied to them. We print a lot of work for Eegee’s mostly their interior art boards and window static clings.

Eegee’s sends us their files to print. It is their interior store wall art and window clings that advertise their flavor of the month or new menu item. These just happen to be wall art boards for an Eegee’s store. We check the files for correct bleeds and crop marks before we begin printing. When the files are ok to print we print them with our wide format printer. Depending on the size and quantity, it can take hours to print especially if it is a large job.

When the job is finished printing we allow it to dry for 24hrs. The prints must dry before we laminate them. There are multiple different kinds of laminate material but it comes down to gloss or satin laminate. This just means do you want the print to appear shiny or flat.

After being laminated the prints are trimmed out and PVC material is cut to the size of the prints. They are mounted to the PVC material and excess trimmed off. The prints are stacked away and packaged for pick up or delivery.

Eegees Prints

Prints have been cut out and are ready to be applied to the PVC panels

Eegees Wall Art Board

Eegees Wall Art Board

This board has been mounted and you can see there is some excess print. This is caused by the print bleed that was added. This is trimmed off so the print goes to the edge of the panel.

Eegees Wall Art Board

This one is a completed Eegee’s wall art board. You can see that the print goes to the edge but not past it. The finished panels are packaged up nicely for pick up or delivery.

Eegees Wall Art Board