Shaka’s Food Trailer Wrap

Innovative Signs installs a vehicle wrap for Shaka’s food trailer

This is a food trailer wrap we did for Shaka’s that was done with printed graphics. Continuing with our popularity with food vehicles and trailers here is another we did for Shaka’s Hawaiian Grill in Tucson, AZ. By adding custom printed graphics to your vehicle or trailer you are getting great advertising exposure on something you already own. Vehicle graphics like this can be used for just about any business. Check us out by using the contact us page for more information on getting wraps and graphics done.

We started off Shaka’s food trailer wrap by removing trailer hardware such as lights and handles to help with the install process. Once the trailer’s surface was cleaned we got started on installing the vinyl itself. The vinyl would be installed in large vertical panels with overlaps because we can’t print one solid piece to cover the trailer. We would also be adding contour cut decals on the serving side.

Here are pictures of Shaka’s Hawaiian Grill trailer before any graphics were added.

Shaka's Trailer Tucson

Shaka's Trailer Tucson

Here are the finished pictures of Shaka’s food trailer wrap.

 Shaka's food trailer Tucson vehicle wraps

 Shaka's food trailer Tucson vehicle wraps

 Shaka's food trailer Tucson vehicle wraps

 Shaka's food trailer Tucson vehicle wraps

Thank you Shaka’s Hawaiian Grill for doing business with us. If you have a food trailer you would like us to wrap don’t hesitate to contact us.