Plane Graphics Install

This is a plane graphics install Innovative Signs will be doing. We will be printing and installing graphics that the customer sent to us. Not all graphics installs are for business advertising. Sometimes custom graphics is a way to personalize something of yours. For this customer we will be printing their graphics file and travelling to the hangar to install them. Looking for your own custom vinyl and decals? Visit out contact us page to start that process. We can do all kinds of custom vinyl and printing with professional installation.

First is printing the customer files and then cutting them on our machine. After printing the vinyl it goes through some prep work and sorting. With the graphics ready we then travel to the hangar where we are installing the plane graphics. The vinyl we are using is for outdoor/vehicle use. It is the same material that we wrap cars with.

In areas we are going to install we clean it thoroughly to prevent the vinyl from lifting. Oils and dust can cause the vinyl to lift and because this is a plane the wind force can cause it to lift if we don’t take the proper measures.

After prepping the plane we get started on the plane graphics install. We are using proof pages so we know where the vinyl is going and with help from the customer. Proofing pages are very important to the install process.

After applying the vinyl and finishing up the final detailing work the install is complete.

Here are pictures of the plane vinyl install.

Plane Graphics Install
Plane Graphics Install
Plane Graphics Install
Plane Graphics Install