Vinyl Stickers for Mountain View Football
Innovative Signs creates some vinyl stickers for Mountain View High School Football
These are cut vinyl stickers for Mountain View High School Football as senior gifts for their season record. They are made of white intermediate vinyl. Intermediate vinyl is a mid grade vinyl that is cheaper than high performance but it isn’t warrantied as long as high performance. Good applications for intermediate/mid grade vinyl would be interior graphics or outdoors in areas without direct sunlight. The most difficult part of this job was the weeding process. The style of font and the small text made it difficult and time consuming to remove the excess vinyl. Small text or graphics make weeding difficult because the letters and shapes are more prone to lifting when the excess vinyl is pulled away. Large text and shapes are easier to weed because more of the letter’s surface is “sticking” to the factory back paper. This means when the vinyl is pulled away, the vinyl you want to keep will usually stay put. The cost of small cut vinyl stickers also goes up because of the extra labor involved in weeding small pieces of vinyl. In case this is the circumstance for you, you can also consider getting a graphic printed instead of cut vinyl stickers.
Another part of this order was some printed stickers. These included an Arizona Division Playoffs sticker and the Mountain View High School mascot logo. These two graphics use multiple colors which makes it not suitable for single color cut vinyl like the text stickers. Printed stickers like these are good for decals because you can have multi colored graphics and it will cost the same as a printed graphic only using one color. We are even able to print on top of vinyl like what we do for Northwest Exterminating. Here are pictures of how they turned out. If you want to have some printed decals or cut vinyl done for you please visit our main page and contact us for more info.
Cut vinyl stickers
These are the printed stickers.