Kuzma Group Aluminum Real Estate Signs

Aluminum Real Estate Signs for Kuzma Group

These are two double sided aluminum real estate signs for Kuzma Group. They are printed graphics that are mounted to 24×24 aluminum panels. The aluminum panels are .040 thickness and will have holes drilled in them. We offer a lot of different real estate sign options. From the common swinging signs to custom metal frames and bandit signs with riders.


Aluminum Real Estate Signs Production

First we printed the graphics that would be installed on the aluminum blanks. It is like a really big sticker but with higher quality vinyl and adhesive. These are the aluminum blanks that we would be using.

Aluminum Blanks for Signs Tucson

These are the printed graphics that would be installed on the aluminum blanks. Our wide format printer prints them directly on the vinyl material.

Kuzma Group Printed Graphics

The corners of the printed graphics have been notched in order to align them to the aluminum panels. When they are mounted to the aluminum panels the excess will be trimmed off.

Kuzma Group Aluminum Real Estate Signs

The graphics have been mounted to the panels but the aluminum real estate signs are not done yet. They need to have holes drilled in them.

Kuzma Group Aluminum Real Estate Signs

These aluminum real estate signs are finished and ready to be picked up.