Our New Sign

The new Innovative Signs light up cabinet sign and monument sign panel.

Innovative Signs now has a new light up cabinet sign on the side of our building. We really needed to get a sign up like this because of our location. It’s further back in the business plaza and some people have a hard time seeing us because we are towards the back. Now with our new sign up people can see our building from further away. It is humorous that we have made lots of cabinet and building signs for our customers yet we haven’t actually made one for ourselves.

What is our cabinet sign made of?

Our cabinet sign is a metal box frame with interior hardware for lighting. The face of the sign is a lexan panel with our Innovative Signs printed graphics applied over the lexan face. The printed vinyl is a transparent material that will allow the light to pass through giving our Innovative Signs graphic a bright and colorful appearance. This goes for a lot of other cabinet style signs we have done for other companies. The sizes differ but the concept is still the same. A metal box frame with lighting components and 1 or 2 lexan faces.

Replacing our monument sign panels

We decided to also redo our monument sign panels. Our monument sign panels were getting old and graphics fading so we replaced them. We used our bucket truck to reach the panels on the sign. Once removed we had to remove the old vinyl from the lexan panels. We had the panels soak in chemicals for a couple days to help loosen the vinyl. After the soak we could remove the existing vinyl and clean the panel. The process is the same for the lexan panel of the cabinet sign and the monument sign panel. They are both made of lexan and have the same translucent print material.

Progress pictures

This is what the current area of where the sign will go looks like. Not much to see here, yet.

Innovative Signs Cabinet Sign LocationNext we have the printed Innovative Signs graphics. This transparent material will allow the light to pass through the print giving it a nice glow.

Innovative Signs Print material

Now we have that printed graphic installed on the lexan panel. This is the face of the cabinet sign.

Innovative Signs Lexan Sign

Closeup of the lexan.

Lexan sign closeup

Monument sign installed

This is our monument sign panels installed. We used our bucket truck to reach the top and slide in our panels.

Innovative Signs Monument Panel

Innovative Signs Monument Panel

Innovative Signs Monument Panel

Innovative Signs Monument PanelThose were for the monument. This one is our lighted cabinet sign on the side of our building. Cabinet Sign


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