Damaged Door Replacement Graphics

Innovative Signs prints and installs replacement graphics for DAV

This is a replacement graphics job for a damaged vehicle. The driver side door was damaged in a collision. The driver side door was going to be replaced and then new graphics installed on the door. Then we would have to match the existing graphics and print them. This vehicle was wrapped by another graphics company so we couldn’t go through our files and print out a door section.

Replacement Graphics Survey

We took pictures of the damaged door at high resolution to get an understanding of the colors and detail available. After our visit the door got replaced and the old graphics were trashed. Using the survey pictures we would rebuild the graphics and print them.

Here is a picture of what we would be replacing.

Damaged Door Graphics to be replaced DAV

Using Illustrator and the pictures taken we built samples of the door graphics. There are gradients and colors that had to match the forward body and the rear doors. Even the blue swirl had some color changes. After further detail work to match the colors we could print the samples. The samples we printed were taken to the car and matched. If the red wasn’t bright enough or a different shade we would correct it. The sample prints got closer to being an exact match and then we printed the full version.

Here is how the replacement graphics turned out.

DAV Replacement Graphics Tucson

Closeup of the door graphics.

DAV Replacement Graphics Tucson

It is a very good match for being replacement graphics using pictures taken.