Custom Work Books for VA

Innovative Signs builds graphics for custom work books for VA of Southern Arizona

We have done a lot of these custom work books for the VA in the past. We were given another set of books for us to install graphics onto. These custom work books are made of metal and the VA delivers us the amount of work books they need done. We then add a picture to which vehicle it will be paired with. Then there are stickers for the inside cover and a back cover we install too.

Here is what a blank metal book binder looks when they bring them in to us. We clean the surfaces so the new graphics can securely stick to the book. After the books are cleaned and the graphics ready for install we can start the project.

Custom Work Books

Custom Work Books

After the graphics were trimmed, aligned and then mounted to the books they were completed. We use the crop marks to cut and align the graphics to the book covers.

Here are the finished custom work books. They turned out great and they look professional.

Custom Work Books Tucson Graphics

Custom Work Books Tucson Graphics

Custom Work Books Tucson Graphics

Thanks VA of Southern Arizona for doing business with us. This job had us doing 10 of these books. If you are looking for similar work to be done visit our shop. We can come up with some designs and layouts to promote your brand on your own work products. We have done a lot of these books in the past for the VA. We have the template available and when we need to make new covers it’s easy. We can simply inter change the old picture cover with that of a new vehicle.