Aluminum Signs for Freeport

Aluminum printed signs for Freeport.

Here are more aluminum signs being made for Freeport McMoRan. This sign set contains 5- 24×48 and 8- 12×18. These are a little different than the signs we have been making for Freeport lately. This set uses printed material instead of going for cut vinyl. They wanted us to incorporate their signature blue into the sign and that’s why we went with print. The signs themselves are aluminum blanks.

We print out the text using our printer. After 24hrs have gone by, we can laminate the print. By laminating the print, it acts as a protective coating. If the sign didn’t have this laminate the environment would destroy the print very quickly. Yet the aluminum panel of the sign would be fine because of aluminum’s durability. Say instead of using aluminum it was plastic, the sun would destroy the plastic first and then cause the sign to fail. You could use steel for signs like these but steel can rust and it weighs more. So we build aluminum signs instead. These signs will be going to the Sierrita Mine which is south of Tucson. You can read about the Sierrita Mine here.

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This is what the completed aluminum signs looks like. They have been mounted to the aluminum panel and they were trimmed.

Freeport SP Aluminum Sign