NW Exterminating Sign Install
Innovative Signs latest sign install project- NW Exterminating Sign Install
This is a new printed sign job for Northwest Exterminating. We would be taking down their old sign and installing a new printed one with lexan. We have had their logo in vector form for a long time now it is what we print for their wraps, stickers and other signage. This new sign would be their logo enlarged to 8ft long. Thanks Northwest Exterminating for your business with us.
This is what they used to have.
This is a sign proof of what their new sign would look like.
We would be printing this as a giant sticker and then attaching it to a 8ft lexan panel. We would then use a jigsaw to cut the panel to match the shape of the logo. We printed a thin outline to help out as a guide to cutting the shape correctly.
After the logo was printed and then mounted to the lexan panel we could start cutting it. You can see there is a very thin black line. We will be using this line to cut on.
Here are the pictures of the install. After taking down their old sign we put up this brand new lexan and printed graphic sign.